What You Need To Know About Sleeping Pills?

Do you keep waking up the whole night? Do you have restless sleep? Are you habitual to walking during sleep? If these symptoms persist for a longer time, you may need a health professional consultation. In such cases, sleeping pills are recommended. Some people suffer from sleep disorders while others have restless sleep after stress or traumatic situations. In some cases, you may not fall asleep as a side effect of any medication. This blog will introduce you to sleeping pills, their types, and the benefits and side effects of sleeping pills.

What are Sleeping Pills?

Sleeping pills are medicines that relax the muscles and let people sleep. After taking a sleeping pill, you can have a deep sleep and get rid of all types of anxieties and stress during the sleeping period. However, the dose and type of the sleeping pills are suggested as per frequency, intensity, and quality of disturbed sleep. 

Types of Sleeping Pills

Several types of sleeping pills are used to treat sleep disorders. Sleeping pills come with several side effects. A strong dose of a pill may make you fall asleep for the whole day. You may feel dizzy and drowsy. Some medicines can make you fall asleep as a side effect. Therapies like Cognitive Behavioral therapy (CBT) and traditional methods are also common for sleeping issues. 

Prescription Sleeping Pills

Prescription sleeping pills are used to treat severe insomnia, parasomnia, or other sleep disorders. One cannot get them without the prescription of the health professional. Antidepressants and Benzodiazepines are the common prescription sleeping pills. These drugs raise the level of GAMMA neurotransmitters. It causes sleepiness and relieves stress, traumatic conditions, and anxiety. 

Over-the-Counter (OTC) Sleeping Pills

OTC sleeping pills can be availed from a pharmacy or medical store. These pills often contain antihistamines that are used to treat allergies.  Another category of OTC sleeping pills includes melatonin or valerian supplements. However, you cannot use these supplements along with the worst medical conditions. These supplements can cause several side effects when combined with other medicines. So never try them without the consultation of a health practitioner. 

Herbal Medication

Chamomile, passion flower, and valerian supplements are common traditional methods to treat insomnia. However herbal medicines do not suit everyone and may possess several side effects. In several cases, it may not make you fall asleep.

How Do Sleeping Tablets Work?

Sleeping tablets increase the brain signal strength and release the synapses. Resultantly, synapses lead the message to the body’s muscles to relax and sleep. Some sleeping tablets have mild effects like z-drugs or Non- benzodiazepines. These drugs act fast and let you have a healthy sleep duration of 8 hours. On the other hand, some are used to treat depression and anxiety symptoms. These pills may have adverse effects on the health of the individual. 

Melatonin hormone is responsible for the regular sleep cycle in the human body. Melatonin –a synthetic drug – affects the pineal gland that secretes the melatonin hormone in a mild amount to aid the body’s muscles relax and fall asleep. 

What to Expect?

When you are taking a dose of sleeping pills online, along with the benefits, you must keep in mind the associated risks. 


Sleeping tablets are highly helpful in increasing the duration of sleep. It lets people sleep for a longer time. It relaxes muscles, reduces the anxiety level, and improves sleep quality. 


Common risks and side effects may include:

  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Dry mouth
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Muscle weakness
  • Tiredness
  • Lack of concentration
  • Digestive issues like nausea, heartburn

Side effects of sleeping pills may cause hindrance in daily commutes. One cannot perform routine tasks and may feel difficulty concentrating. 

How Can One Get Rid of Sleeping Pills?

Whatever the reason is to take sleeping pills, it is not a healthy habit. Overdose of the pills is highly dangerous and may lead an individual to death bed. Those who take sleeping pills regularly become dependent on these medicines and cannot sleep without them. You need to develop healthy sleeping habits to avoid all types of sleep restrictions. Keep great care of sleep hygiene. Upgrade your lifestyle and avoid sugar intake and coffee. Avoid eating right before bedtime. 

Never try to get sleeping pills online. Always start sleeping medication after the consultation with the health professional.

Understanding The Side Effects Of Sleeping Pills

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